New Resources

2024-03-13 - Learn more about the Thought Stretchers Education in-person and online project-based learning workshops. NEW!

2024-02-26 - Read about the project-based learning aligned TMSR instructional design model at Educause. NEW!

2024-02-11 - Learn more about the 2024 Institute on Project-based Learning at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute. NEW!

2024-01-17 - Check out this business take on the real-world value of project based learning.

2024-01-15 - Read Our Kids' listings of project-based learning in Canadian private schools.

2023-11-12 - Browse some of the student projects at High Tech High, one of the most well known project-based learning infused schools.

2023-10-12 - Check out the Harvard Graduate School of Education’s project-based learning summary.

2023-09-15 - Learn more about the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education's commitment to project-based learning.

2023-05-09 - Effie-Ling Heslop summarizes a conceptual framework for project-based learning.

2023-04-25 - Read the updated Wikipedia summary for project-based learning.

2023-03-04 - Download the Edmonton Regional Learning Consortium’s Project-based Learning Guide.

2023-02-01 - Learn more about the Buck Institute for Education’s PBL World 2023 conference.

2022-11-15 - Check out the project-based learning PBL Simplified podcast.

2022-11-09 - The 2023 iteration of PBL World, the premier conference for project-based learning, will be held on June 26-29, 2023.

2022-10-01 - Writing tor Forbes, Tom Vander Ark discusses the merits of project-based learning post-pandemic.

2022-09-01 - Erik Ofgang introduces the fundamentals of project-based learning.

2022-08-14 - Check out the lightning talk about project-based learning from Boston University.

2022-06-03 - Chalk introduces the benefits of project-based learning.

About EduProject

EduProject is a knowledge mobilization portal for project-based learning (PBL). Coverage includes PBL at the elementary, secondary, and post-secondary levels. The website features:

  • monographs contributed by PBL practitioners and researchers;
  • a handbook that focuses on the early stages of project-based learning;
  • links to PBL professional development resources;
  • links to open access PBL research studies, cataloged by educational level;
  • a carefully selected playlist of PBL videos with discussion questions;
  • an Amazon linked PBL bookstore.
The development of EduProject was supported by a 2015 - 2018 Brock University Chancellor’s Chair for Teaching Excellence grant. The news portion of the website continues to be updated through 2024.


Monograph No. 12
A Better Lesson Begins (and Ends) with Language
by Wendy Farr, Sarah Saltmarsh, and Stephanie Lund

Monograph No. 11
Building Cross-Campus Collaborations Around Digital Pedagogy
by Mary Chaktsiris and Julia Hendry


Ozdamli, Fezile and Turan, Burcu. (2017). Effects of a technology supported project-based learning (TS-PBL) approach on the success of a mobile application development course and the students' opinions. TEM Journal, 6(2), 258-264.


What Happens When Students Engage in Project-Based Learning?

Contact Us

EduProject welcomes feedback and ideas for new content, including monograph proposals:

David Hutchison, PhD, PMP
Editor, EduProject
Professor, Department of Educational Studies
Professor, Centre for Digital Humanities
Brock University